Category: Uncategorized

back from the hiatus…

Been busy with a paying project that I won’t be posting about here.  Anyway, this week, I dusted off my Python to write a script to convert all the .WAV files in a tree-structured music library to .MP3 files in parallel structure.  It uses the pydub library (which wraps ffmpeg) to do the heavy lifting.  […]

ham radio update

Ham radio update: a) Was AC3BP, now K3GMQ (sentimental reasons: I had the novice call WN3GMQ in high school). Couldn’t think of anything cleverer for a vanity call sign. b) The antenna went up a week ago (see pic)….it’s a 130 ft end-fed half-wave. Wire highlighted in red for visibility. The far end is about […]

got my ham license…

Took the test last Monday (actually three tests: Technician, General, and Amateur Extra).  FCC issued the call sign today: AC3BP Addendum: got my vanity call sign… it’s now K3GMQ as of 10/28/2017.  I had a Novice license briefly in high school: WN3GMQ.  I still remember my mom calling me up over at my friend Kenny […]